Entrusted to his children by a father devoted to the art of jewelry...

Every moment of life is worth celebrating. We bring together the traditional Turkish jewelry art with modern technology. With a sense of responsibility towards natural resources, all of the minerals we use are recycled.

We think the only way to protect the world is through transparency. We care about women's employment. We only work with certified natural stones. Our Vision and Goal Our jewelry is a part of your life that inspires our designs. Each of our jewels sings your passion. Recycle We established Hems brand with a sense of responsibility towards natural resources.

For this reason, all of the minerals we use are recycled. We Value Our Women Hem's cares about women's employment. For this reason, the entire process management from design to production is entrusted to women. Our Mission Be the hero of your own story with our accessible luxury and romantic jewelry. We design accessible luxury jewelry for women around the world.

More than a Jewel

We bring traditional Turkish jewelry art together with modern technology.

With a sense of responsibility for natural resources, we ensure that the minerals we use
all recycled. The only way to protect the world
We think there is transparency. We care about women employment.

We only work with certified natural stones.



E-Posta : info@hemsjewellery.com 

Telephone : +90 539 668 82 45


Our UK Address : 632 Green Lanes, London, England, N8 0SD, 632 Green Lanes, London, England, N8 0SD, London, N8 0SD, United Kingdom

E-Posta : info@hemsjewellery.com 

Telephone : +44 7521485419